A depressed mood, lack of energy, anxiety or inner exhaustion – these are just some of the symptoms that can be the first signs of depression. According to the WHO, more than 300 million people suffer from depression. In the first place, antidepressants are considered to be a known therapeutic treatment, but the benefit-side-effect ratio is regularly questioned, especially in cases of mild to moderate depressions.
Herbal extracts as an alternative to synthetic antidepressants could counteract this fact. Herbal alternatives can help alleviate depressions and also they have fewer side effects.
Depression is a mental illness that occurs very frequently. The underlying causes and factors for the development of depression are various. Both internal and/or external circumstances play a decisive role. In addition to the psychosocial component, biochemical changes in the body, e.g. metabolic changes in the brain and genetic influences can also trigger a depression. Mental health is also closely related to the immune system. Chronic stress, by triggering changes in the stress hormone system and the immune system, acts as a trigger for anxiety and depression. Both experimental and clinical evidence shows that an increase in concentrations of pro-inflammatory substances, as occurs in chronic stress situations and depression, contributes to the behavioural changes associated with depression.
The seeds of the African black bean (Griffonia simplicifolia) contain the valuable amino acid 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP).
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The effects of depression affect many areas of life. People who suffer from depression tend to withdraw and increasingly avoid social contacts. In addition, physical symptoms such as loss of appetite, sleep and concentration disorders, loss of libido or increased pain are usually associated with the disease. It should be mentioned that there are different types of depression – these range from a temporary mild depressive phase to severe depression. But what is the difference? Times of exhaustion, listlessness or inner emptiness are phases that every person experiences in the course of his or her life – be it through private or professional disappointments or the loss of a close person. A low mood is strongly associated with a stressful event – as soon as the pain or strain subsides, the mood improves again after a certain time. These temporary mood lows cannot be compared with depression from a medical point of view. Therefore, in case of doubt, a medical consultation should always be sought.
The focus is on the successful treatment of depression – and there are several methods and measures available. However, researchers also see a high potential in special plant extracts and therefore it is worth taking a close look at them. Scientific studies in recent years have underpinned their benefits and effectiveness, while at the same time receiving a high level of approval.
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Griffonia – plant with mood-lifting effect
A disturbance in serotonin production can lead to depressive moods, mood swings and psychological changes. The seeds of the African black bean (Griffonia simplicifolia) contain the valuable amino acid 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP). This lead substance promotes the formation of the two messenger substances serotonin, also known as the “happiness hormone” and the “sleep hormone” melatonin in the human body. 5-HTP improves mental well-being and is considered to be a natural herbal antidepressant, as several studies have already confirmed. In addition, it is particularly suitable for therapeutic use in depressive moods, mood swings and anxiety states. Depressive people show 50% lower serotonin levels in human serum. By supplying 5-HTP, an anti-depressive effect is achieved by increasing the availability of serotonin in the synaptic cleft. Approximately 70 % of the orally ingested 5-HTP is absorbed and can pass the blood-brain barrier. This is therefore an effective way of increasing serotonin production in the central nervous system.
A comparative study with 60 depressed patients who received 5-HTP or the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SRI) fluoxetine confirmed the equivalence of the amino acid and the drug. A 2-week dose of 150 mg 5-HTP daily was already effective. The effect was compared over a time period of 8 weeks in total and showed very similar results. But there are also some things to consider with plant extracts. Griffonia as well as St. John’s wort should not be used when taking antidepressants at the same time, as their effect is intensified. They should also not be taken during pregnancy and lactation.
5-HTP improves mental well-being and is considered to be a natural herbal antidepressant, as several studies have already confirmed
Saffron – from a popular spice to a very promising psychotherapeutic
Saffron or the “red gold” is considered to be one of the most expensive spices worldwide. Especially the carotenoids crocin and crocetin give the well-known saffron its strong orange-yellow colour. In the Arabian region, saffron (Crocus sativus) has been regarded for centuries as a traditional medicinal plant against symptoms of depression and anxiety. The three most important ingredients of saffron – crocetin, crocin and saffronal – are particularly worth mentioning. In studies they show a positive influence on various neurobiological mechanisms that play a role in mental illness. In addition, the bioactive ingredients crocin, picocrocin, saffronal and crocetin have a strong antioxidant activity. This is interesting in so far as the antioxidative protective system of depressed people is often weakened and there is an increased burden of oxidative stress. Here, antioxidative micronutrients could restore the antioxidative balance and counteract the depressive symptoms.
Several older preclinical studies have already confirmed antidepressive effects of the bioactive ingredients crocin and crocetin. Recent studies clearly confirmed the beneficial effect of saffron in mild and moderate depression and anxiety disorders as compared to placebos. The use of saffron as an accompanying therapy to antidepressants also achieved a significant effect. In addition, another study compared saffron therapy with conventional antidepressants (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs such as fluoxetine and citalopram). Interestingly, no significant difference was observed between the use of an antidepressant and intervention with saffron. This unexpected result was confirmed by further research.
Rhodiola rosea – more balance in emotional stress
Rose root (Rhodiola rosea) belongs to the succulent plant group and has been used in natural medicine for centuries in Russia and the Scandinavian countries due to its therapeutically effective ingredients. Among the most interesting bioactive ingredients are rosavine and salidrosides, followed by other valuable secondary plant substances. In a clinical study with people suffering from mild to moderate depression, the parameters for emotional stability, sleep difficulties and physical symptoms improved after only 6 weeks (340 mg/day). In a recent study, the effectiveness of Rhodiola rosea was compared with a conventional antidepressant and placebo for 12 weeks. The results confirmed that the plant extract had both an antidepressant effect in mild to moderate forms of depression and good tolerability.
Above all, 5-HTP, which has been in clinical use for more than 30 years and is considered to be a natural therapy alternative for depressive moods and depression – especially due to its low side effect potential
In order to bring body, mind and soul back into harmony, first and foremost professional medical support is required. In order to treat depression – which varies from person to person – there are various therapeutic approaches, for example psychotherapy and/or medication – so-called antidepressants. But also herbal substances show promising possibilities in the treatment of depression. First and foremost, 5-HTP, which has been successfully used in clinical practice for more than 30 years and is considered to be a natural therapy alternative for depressive moods and depression – especially due to its low potential for side effects. Saffron and rose root extracts are also considered promising. In addition, supportive measures are available to effectively accompany the therapy, such as sports or meditation.
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