The so-called “intestinal brain” comprises of about one hundred million nerve cells, about five times the size of the spinal cord and is an independent nervous system. It is located throughout the abdominal cavity as a thin layer between the muscles of the intestine. The intestinal brain controls digestion and interacts with the entire organism. In other words, everything that happens in our intestines has an effect on the whole body and our well-being.
The digestive tract can be compared to the root of a plant. Just as plants absorb nutrients from the soil and make them available to branches, leaves, flowers and fruits, so does the digestive tract. A large number of intestinal villi have their roots in a mush. They absorb the food that the digestive system has restructured and degraded and pass it on to the blood, which then passes it on to all the places where it is needed. The combination of all these factors results in digestion. Digestion does not only mean, as many believe, to produce stool. No, digestion means processing the ingested food chemically, mechanically and bacterially correctly and then convert it into bodily resources and energy, and afterwards to excrete the waste substances which the body has not found any use for in time.
Disturbances in the digestive system are often the trigger for many chronic diseases. Chronic inflammations of the intestinal mucosa, disturbances of the intestinal flora or the Leaky Gut Syndrome (“holes” in the intestinal mucosa) often appear very late or too late.
If the intestinal function and the absorption of nutrients and vital substances is disturbed, and the removal of toxins is impeded, the body may suffer a kind of self poisoning in the long run, which in turn manifests itself in a variety of illnesses and complaints.
It can range from “simple” digestive complaints to cardiovascular diseases. Allergies, food intolerances, skin problems such as acne or rashes, rheumatic diseases or even mental illnesses can develop. Also constantly recurring colds, sinusitis, sore throat, migraine, fatigue, exhaustion, overweight or flatulence can be symptoms of a damaged intestine.
If the intestinal flora is disturbed, it must be brought back into equilibrium, which requires intestinal rehabilitation.
An intestinal rehabilitation consists of intestinal cleansing and the subsequent build-up of the intestinal flora. First, the intestine is freed from debris and waste products. This makes the intestinal mucosa more receptive to useful bacteria that are added to the intestinal flora during the process. If intestinal cleansing is completed during intestinal rehabilitation, the noticeable improvement is only of short duration, as the intestinal mucosa cannot absorb the healthy intestinal bacteria and vitamins due to slagging. Even a change in diet without intestinal cleansing only brings short-term success.
There are several possibilities of intestinal cleansing. The enema is one of them. It removes waste products and debris from the intestine. With the help of liquids, which are fed anally to the intestine via a plastic tube, a strong urge to excrete is triggered, which leads to a very rapid emptying of the intestine. However, only a part of the intestine is cleaned. Therefore, one should additionally fast with special herbs, or olive oil, etc., which cleans the digestive tract from top to bottom.
Fasting cleanses and purifies not only the intestines, but the whole body. There are different methods for this. In most cures, solid food is completely dispensed with, so that the intestine can recover and rest. As a rule, one should begin a fasting cure with the intestine cleaning by an enema or drinking saline solution.
There are various cures to cleanse the intestines. If one should decide to take one of these “extreme” cures, one should consult their alternative practitioner or treating physician beforehand.
1. bowel cleansing: How it works and what should be paid attention to
Flaxseed, psyllium husks, ginger, herbs, lemon juice, apple vinegar, mineral soils such as zeolite or bentonite, dried fruits such as plums or figs, mustard seeds or Natrium Sulfate are the perfect remedies.
Cleaning the intestines using flax seeds as an example
Flax seeds are brown seeds with a high oil content from the capsules of flax. Flax are blue- or white-flowering plants with raffia-rich stems whose fibres are processed into linen. Flax seeds stimulate intestinal activity and thus promote digestion. They protect the mucous membrane and have an anti-inflammatory effect. The body is best able to absorb flax seed in crushed form. The crushing of the grains causes linseed oil to escape, which makes the intestinal contents more slippery.
Flax seeds should only be crushed immediately before consumption. This can be done with a mortar or a coffee grinder. Mix the ground flour produced with water – 1 tablespoon (5-10 g) to 100 ml of water. The flax seed shake should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, 30 to 60 minutes before breakfast, followed by a large glass of water. The water strengthens the cleansing effect of the flaxseed shakes. After 2 to 3 days a change can already be noticed. Step by step, the amount of flaxseed can be increased during the course of the treatment. In the second week you can already take 2 tablespoons and in the third week 3 tablespoons etc..
Duration of an intestinal rehabilitation
The duration of the intestinal rehabilitation is freely selectable. Already after 2 weeks, positive effects can occur. However, if you want to achieve a lasting effect, it is recommended to take the cure over several months.
In addition, the duration of an intestinal rehabilitation depends on the method, age, lifestyle and physical condition of the person. For healthy people aged between 20 and 40, four weeks is usually sufficient. If one suffers from chronic complaints, such as flatulence, constipation, acne or migraine, one should support the intestines for several months with natural household remedies so that one can achieve lasting effects. The duration of cleansing increases with age.
Selection of household remedies & dosage
As mentioned above, there are several ways to cleanse the intestines. The choice of the household remedy can be made individually, depending upon taste, also different components can be combined. At the beginning of the cure, however, a thorough intestinal cleansing with Glauber’s salt (Natrium Sulfate) or an enema should be carried out. The dosage can also be adjusted individually. If you have a sensitive intestine, you can start with half of the dosage. For intensive intestinal cleansing, the dosage can be increased step by step.
Nutrition & exercise during bowel cleansing
Bowel rehabilitation should always be accompanied by a healthy diet. If you continue to eat unhealthy foods such as foods containing fats and sugar, the intestinal flora will become unbalanced again and again. One should focus on an acid-poor and fiber-rich nutrition. Also, regular exercise supports the body with the decontamination process.
2. Building up the intestinal flora after intestinal cleansing
The building up of the intestinal flora can already begin during intestinal cleansing. The intestine is to be colonized with useful intestinal bacteria. Here the so-called probiotics are used. Probiotics are living microorganisms. These bacteria and yeasts have a health-promoting effect if they enter the intestine in sufficient quantities.
Once the intestine has been cleaned and the intestinal flora is back in rhythm, various plant extracts such as gentian, ginger and liquorice support the digestive processes and increase resistance to unfavourable microorganisms. They also support the immune system.