Zinc is a critical mineral for our health, which is especially true for athletes who lose zinc through physical exertion. Regular training therefore results in an increased need for zinc, which, as studies show, cannot be fully consumed through one’s…
Sports injuries: Faster Healing using the RICE Method & Enzymes
Sports injuries such as a sprained ankle, a bruise or a pulled muscle – are not a serious illness, but they can still mentally and physically upset an athlete. Depending on the severity and intensity of the injury, the healing…
The Dangers of a Sedentary Lifestyle
In our daily lives, we tend to be very comfortable. We often do not walk enough, and take the elevator and escalator all the time. Insufficient exercise and sitting for hours harms our health. Exercise is not only important for…
Strength training: Optimally support muscle building with amino acids
After high sporting loads, proteins and amino acids play an important role in muscle formation and regeneration. To build muscles, not only training is important, but also the right nutrition to support the muscles. If muscle building is to proceed…
Sufficient Glutamine Intake Critical for Endurance Training
Many athletes have experienced severe gastrointestinal discomfort during training and exercise. This has affected more than half of all athletes, most commonly during endurance training. Could the amino acid glutamine eliminate this pain and make endurance training more enjoyable? Up…
Micronutrients for Athletes
An optimal micronutrient supply through natural foods is nowadays no longer feasible for many athletes. Thus it is tried to compensate this lack by means of various preparations. Often preparations are taken arbitrarily, which promise apart from performance optimization also…
Probiotics: Boosting an athlete’s immune system
Competitive athletes often train for a single competition for years in order to deliver a peak performance on the big day. However, on the day of the competition, respiratory sickness, colds, coughs, or hoarseness can affect the athlete. As we will…
In Focus: Potassium
Where is potassium found? Potassium is mainly found in unprocessed foods. In order to meet daily needs, the focus is on plant foods in particular. Vegetables and fruit, but also whole grains, nuts, potatoes and pulses are essential sources of…
In Focus: Magnesium
Where is magnesium found? Magnesium is a mineral widely found in animals and plants. The highest concentrations are found in various vegetables and cereals. Magnesium is an important component of chlorophyll and is therefore abundant in green plants. Magnesium is…
The Summer Sun Zaps our Minerals
Who doesn’t want to enjoy the summer? A beer outside after the a good workout is almost as much a part of summer as the workout itself. Chilling in the sun, swimming in the pool, or partying and dancing into…