Sports injuries: Faster Healing using the RICE Method & Enzymes

Sports injuries such as a sprained ankle, a bruise or a pulled muscle – are not a serious illness, but they can still mentally and physically upset an athlete. Depending on the severity and intensity of the injury, the healing…

A comprehensive look at cellulite and effectively minimizing it

Summer is coming and irritating cellulite should vanish, but unfortunately this does not work overnight and not with any ointments or the like, which can usually only alleviate the symptoms slightly. The cause and not only the consequences should be…

Stop hyperacidity: Tips for a balanced acid-base balance

What is hyperacidity and how does it happen? Acidosis is an unbalanced acid-base balance of the body that has shifted to the acid side. In the short term, this shift, which is mainly caused by the (excessive) consumption of acid-forming…

Naturally Detoxify with the Powerful Algae Chlorella

Not a day goes by without harmful substances from the outside affecting our body, be it through the intake of food and water, the air, clothing or cosmetics, etc. Chlorella algae can make a valuable contribution to binding these toxins…

Natural Solutions to Detoxify Your Liver

After the holidays, our liver needs time to recover. Heavy food, alcohol, and a lack of exercise are hallmarks of the holidays. Especially in the cold season, our main metabolic organ needs special attention in order to help it recover.…

Stressful Holidays and the Effect on our Mental Health

The holiday season should actually be a contemplative, cosy and quiet time. When the end of the year approaches and it gets dark early, you can look forward to a few days off in the presence of family and friends.…

The Inner Clock is Connected to Digestion

Long journeys and shift work can cause quite a disruption in our day/night/rhythm. A disturbance of the internal clock leads to physiological stress and can especially affect the intestinal flora. Obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or an increased risk of infection…

Eliminate Spring Fatigue

Spring fatigue is well known to everyone. After the long winter months one looks forward to the longer and sunnier spring days. But with the first rays of sunshine, spring fatigue usually begins. What is behind it? About two thirds…

Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Severe diarrhea, persistent constipation, tormenting abdominal pain. Irritable bowel syndrome is one of the most frequently diagnosed gastrointestinal problems. But do all these patients really suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or is there something else behind it? For those affected,…

Micronutrients for improved wound healing

Wound healing is a rather complex process. Various of the body’s immune-defense and regeneration processes must interlock smoothly here. Impaired wound healing processes and chronic wounds can be the result of various causes, oftentimes difficult to diagnose. An observational study…