Natalie Lebner, MSc
49 Articles0 Comments

Expertin Wissensmanagement, Miracon Science GmbH

Antidepressants – Natural plant alternatives

A depressed mood, lack of energy, anxiety or inner exhaustion – these are just some of the symptoms that can be the first signs of depression. According to the WHO, more than 300 million people suffer from depression. In the…

Natural antihistamines as support for histamine intolerance

A runny nose, difficulty breathing, headaches or hot flashes are just a few of the many complaints that can occur when the body is overloaded with histamine. The necessary remedy is provided by drugs – so-called antihistamines (“antiallergics”) – which…

Carefree pregnancy: the most important vitamins for optimal all-round care

A healthy diet and a sensible lifestyle – before and during pregnancy – is of particular importance for the smooth course of pregnancy, the birth and the future. Since the nutritional constitution of the mother not only has consequences for…

Protection and care for the skin: the ideal natural preparation for summer

Finally it’s here – the long-awaited spring! When the days get longer again, when the first terrace pubs invite you to stay and the mood barometer clearly points upwards, finally the warm season has arrived! The winter clothing gradually moves…

Histamine Intolerance: What happens in the body and what resources are available

A well-ripened cheese, an exquisite glass of red wine and a piece of delicate bitter chocolate – for many a real treat, but for some, it can become the purest torment. Because after consuming these delicacies, they suffer suddenly from…

The Surprising Connection Between Our Intestines and Our Mind

The intestine is rightly called the wellness organ. The Greek physician Hippocrates realized during his lifetime (300 BC)  that a healthy intestine is the root of all health. After all, it performs numerous complex tasks in the human body –…

Natural Solutions to Detoxify Your Liver

After the holidays, our liver needs time to recover. Heavy food, alcohol, and a lack of exercise are hallmarks of the holidays. Especially in the cold season, our main metabolic organ needs special attention in order to help it recover.…

Stressful Holidays and the Effect on our Mental Health

The holiday season should actually be a contemplative, cosy and quiet time. When the end of the year approaches and it gets dark early, you can look forward to a few days off in the presence of family and friends.…

Saffron: Natural alternative against depressions

Every year it happens again: Winter is here and with it the short days, the wet and cold weather and the bad mood. Unfortunately many people have to struggle with depressive moods or even severe depressions due to the lack…

8 Tips for Optimal Supplementation

The market for micronutrient preparations or dietary supplements is huge. Numerous companies advertise their products in drugstores, pharmacies, or online shops. On the one hand, customers can buy almost any conceivable supplement. On the other hand, there are numerous inferior…