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Natural ways & home remedies for a restful sleep

More than 70 million people in the USA suffer from sleep disorders, making it one of the most common issues of our time. There are few good answers if you don’t want to take psychotropic drugs – and who wants…

Everything About The Effects of MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)

If you is interested in the field of nutritive medicine, you will sooner or later stumble upon the term “MSM”. The term from the USA conquered the European markets shortly after the turn of the millennium and was almost completely…

Office Eye Syndrome: Natural tips for prevention and treatment

Screens are an integral part of our everyday lives. Whether at work or during leisure time, no one can and wants to do without personal computers, notebooks, smartphones and tablets today. Not surprisingly, our eyes suffer as a result. The…

Sunshine is the Best Medicine

No question: The sun is important for our health! However, too much sun can age us. Who wants that? We want to sunbathe and reap the healthy benefits! When sunbathing we produce vitamin D. Deficiency of this vitamin increases the…

Micronutrients for Athletes

An optimal micronutrient supply through natural foods is nowadays no longer feasible for many athletes. Thus it is tried to compensate this lack by means of various preparations. Often preparations are taken arbitrarily, which promise apart from performance optimization also…

In Focus: Ginkgo

What is ginkgo and where does it happen? Ginkgo is a tree originally from China (Ginkgo biloba), and is revered in Asia as a temple tree. This tree has long since found its place in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). For…

Curcuma – Critical Free Radical Scavenger

It is a vicious circle: in the course of diabetes, we lose protection against dangerous free radicals. However, curcuma can assist in the protection against radical antioxidants.   Too Few Radical Scavengers in the Body If our body can no…

Vitamin C Can Cheer You Up

The benefits of the “secret weapon” vitamin C are well known: It is involved in many metabolic functions, including the development of connective tissue, bones and cartilage. Furthermore, it is considered to be an essential support of the immune system.…

In Focus: Selenium

What is selenium and where does it occur? Selenium is a rare trace element, which is contained in different concentrations in the earth’s crust. In plants, it usually occurs in the form of selenium methionine. The selenium content of the…

In Focus: Curcuma

What is curcuma and where does it occur? These days, curcuma is not only used as a spice, but also as a remedy. It has both an anti-inflammatory effect and an antioxidant effect, which allows it to be used to…